Experience an optimized solar CRM system

(For free...)

  • Solar Specific Properties

    Our CRM speaks your language as a solar panel installer. We have hundreds of custom properties to help your organization operate efficiently and gather valuable analytics.

  • Custom Pipelines

    Whether you make residential or commercial sales, we have worked with solar companies to create custom pipelines for sales, installation, and maintenance.

  • Advanced Marketing

    HubSpot is an industry leader in marketing automation, and we have optimized their platform to help you start generating leads and creating reports quickly as possible.

What's Covered In This Course?

We show you different features in our system broken into short videos.

    1. A message from your instructors

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Introduction to HubSpot - Understand how everything "connects"

    2. DIY - You Can Do This On Your Own - HubSpot: Out of the Box.

    3. It Starts with Marketing

    4. Selling Solar with HubSpot - It's Easy!

    5. Managing Operations - Project Success After the Sale

    6. Conversations- Support, chatflows, snippets, and templates

    7. Automated Sequences For Sales

    8. Automated Workflows for Sales, Marketing, and Operations

    9. Campaigns- Track your success and attribute leads

    10. Lists- Segment Your Database and Supercharge Your Messaging

    11. Customer Service Tickets, Inbox, and Knowledge Base

HubSpot for Solar Panel Installation Companies

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Take this free course today

Intro to HubSpot for Solar Panel Installation Companies